Friday, August 17, 2012

What is hate?

Hate is a very strong feeling of dislike for somebody or something. It is more simple conception of what hate is. But we need other explain to understand hate well.

So, I have other important questions. Where is hate from? Is it from us? or Is it from other people?
I think, hate is always from others to us. Hate is never from us to us!!! I mean if we hate someone, it is not our fault. Someone has done bad thing in our life, so we hate them. In other words: We don`t hate someone who doesn`t do bad  things in our life.

Everybody knows that hate is not good, but we hate if someone does something very bad in our life. Is it wrong ? If you are not stupid, you hate a bad person who does very bad things for you. Of course forgive is a good thing. But our heart feels hate when very bad things happen in our life because of other people. Even though our brain says to us we should forgive them, our heart feels hate. I think heart always says true feel. I believe that there is a time to hate and a time to forgive. Our heart knows that time. If you hate someone right now, it is not wrong. Because it is just your true feel from your heart. One day, a time to forgive will come from your heart to you!
I have a idea, but I don`t know it is good or bad. This is my idea: If we can control hate, maybe we go to successful life. Because sometimes hate makes us strong to win others. I mean you can hate some people, but don`t do bad things for them. You just try to live better than them. Maybe it can make you success in your life.

I don`t know hate is good or bad, but I believe my feeling. I mean I know I hate someone or I forgive someone. 

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